Fuziah lives in Sana’a, Yemen with her 7 children. The young widow relies on the support of others to help make ends meet.
“I used to work as a cleaner in schools and houses to provide for my children, but I’m not able to work anymore because of a herniated disc. We rely on the support of charities, organisations and generous people.
“My family is struggling to eat well regularly, get clean drinking water, healthcare and an education due to our living conditions. I can’t send my children to study [even] in public schools because I don’t have money to help with the uniforms, pens and everything else they need.
Fuziah laughs when asked how often she is able to buy meat, saying: “meat doesn’t exist in our diet. I’m struggling to buy basic food like flour, rice and sugar… we only eat meat on Eid based on the support of Islamic Relief, or charity from good people.”
A lifeline for Yemeni families
Families across Yemen are struggling to get enough food to eat as the country teeters on the brink of famine. Islamic Relief’s qurbani food distributions are a lifeline for those in need.
“Eid al-Adha is a big joy, we visit our relatives and children feel happy as they go about playing in the gardens. Eid days are blessed days,” Fuziah says.
“The qurbani meat pack we received today really made a difference.”