Hundreds of lives saved in a week: Muslim Aid’s response to Indonesia earthquake


A deadly earthquake hit Indonesia’s Java Island on the afternoon of 21 November which claimed the lives 272 people and wounded over 1000. 

22,000 houses have been damaged and more than 58,000 people have been displaced as a result. 

Muslim Aid was one of the first charities on the ground to support the victims and started an emergency appeal to save as many lives as possible. 

With your help, we impacted hundreds on the ground and have managed to distribute food, water, safety supplies and hygiene products.  

With our trusted partner on the ground, Muslim Aid distributed the following hygiene kits:

  • 250 menstrual feminine sanitary products
  • 500 kits of soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and shampoo
  • 100 units of nappies for babies and children under the age of 5
Hundreds of lives saved in a week: Muslim Aid’s response to Indonesia earthquake

“Quite often when emergency appeals are created, the needs of women are put on the back burner. Sometimes because of cultural taboos, women can be too shy to ask for things they need such as menstrual hygiene products which risk them leaving the radar of emergency response teams”, said Sahedul Islam, Programmes Partnership Manager, responsible for managing the response to emergencies in Indonesia. 

We’ve always been very aware of this during our appeals and distribution and just like every time we carry out a mission like this, we made sure to prioritise the need for feminine hygiene products to be readily available.” 

“In such humanitarian contexts, Muslim Aid commitments to serving those most vulnerable first, ensuring the appropriate and relevant assistance is provided based upon need”, he added. 

Muslim Aid distributed the following food items: 

  • 250 rice packs 
  • 250 sardines
  • 250 bottles of mineral water 

Hundreds of lives saved in a week: Muslim Aid’s response to Indonesia earthquake

In terms of non-food emergency shelter items, Muslim Aid provided the following: 

  • 10 units of communal water tanks/piping/emergency latrines to be used for sanitary purposes 
  • 150 units of tarpaulin 
  • 300 blankets 
  • 300 mats 
  • 1 transport shuttle for distribution of aid 

This was all provided within the first week of the earthquake taking place. There are still thousands more in need and Muslim Aid has committed to continuing its hard work on the ground to save more lives. 


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