Education: Lifts People Out Of Poverty


Education is one of the most important routes out of extreme poverty. In the third world, education can enable individuals to lift themselves and their families out of the poverty trap and help them build a stable and secure livelihood. Our vision is a world in which every child has the right to a free education. We support school projects all around the world and are working to achieve universal primary school education for as many people as possible. As well as building new schools, we also work with vulnerable government and community schools that are already in existence. We work hard to bring even the most remote schools up to international standards. When it comes to education, we believe that children deserve more than second best

Working with parents and teachers, we overcome the barriers of poverty and inequality, helping parents to earn a secure living, communities to value education and tackle discrimination against girls and marginalized children so that no child is left behind. We construct and renovate classrooms, libraries and important facilities, whilst improving access to hygienic toilets and clean drinking water; creating a safe and engaging environment for children. We provide important educational materials and textbooks, train teachers and give them the professional support they need to inspire their students. We take time to understand the unique needs of each school community we support and create lasting and robust relationships.

Supporting Orphan Education

Muslim Global Relief has been supporting orphan children around the world for over 20 years. We recently with your support took our orphans out to buy them educational school stationary items in Gaza.


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