IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation with its Ramadan 2022 aid projects with the slogan “Continue the Spirit of Ramadan”, delivered 1.359 food packets containing dried legumes, breakfast supplies, tea, sugar, tomato paste and cooking oil to civilians living in the center and rural areas of Afrin.
Zeki Tahiroğlu, IHH Syrian Operations Reyhanlı Regional Office Coordinator, said Ramadan aid projects for needy civilians living in Afrin, Syria is continuing.
8.500 people will benefit from the food packets
Explaining that aid distribution in Syria continues, Tahiroğlu said, “This year, the Syrian people are spending their 12th Ramadan at war. Again, this Ramadan we are supporting the civilian victims of wars as we have since the current situation first began.”
Pointing out that in the first week of Ramadan, they delivered food packets to 8.500 civilians living in the center and rural areas of Afrin, Tahiroğlu added, “Just like every year, our distribution of food packets is continuing all over Syria. In the first week of Ramadan, we delivered 1.359 food packets to families living in the center and surrounding areas of Afrin. These packets contained food provisions that the families need including dried legumes, breakfast provisions, tea, sugar, tomato paste and cooking oil.”