Fatima came to Jordan from Homs, Syria with her 4 children and husband. Now she describes her new life as a refugee.
Life for Fatima and her family had become unbearable in war-torn Syria. After years of war and destruction, life as a refugee has brought them to Amman, Jordan, where she struggles to survive without a steady income.
Upon arrival in Amman, Fatima’s search to find a home for her family was difficult. Her husband’s unemployment coupled with the economic strains of being a refugee meant that they had to borrow money just to keep the electricity on and the water running. Without financial security, when Fatima’s children would take ill, they did not have the ability to see doctors for treatment or purchase needed medicine.
Even if I place 5 blankets on top of each other, my children will still not be warm because the blankets are so light.
Fatima was identified by UMR staff in Jordan as a potential beneficiary to receive support services based off of her vulnerability levels. She told UMR Jordan staff that her husband sometimes goes 3 months without a job opportunity, something commonly faced among displaced people.

There are nearly 25.9 million refugees in the world, over half of whom are under the age of 18. UMR works around the world to ensure that the most needy people are receiving essential daily basics to survive their difficult situations. Like Fatima and her husband, being a refugee family means that you cannot always ensure your next meal is provided, or that medical care is within reach when you need it the most.
For cases like Fatima, our UMR Jordan staff made sure they delivered a kerosene heater for her home, as well as warm blankets and jackets for her kids. Thank you to our generous donors who continue to allow us to bring smiles to children’s faces.